Motivational videos are great. Inspirational book are, well.. inspiring and when things are looking up, it’s easy to be positive. 

When the excitement of all of that goes, all you’re left with is the internal chat that’s going on in your head. What are you saying to yourself? Is it positive? Is it true? 

Chances are it’s a mix. Sometimes doubt creeps in or you hit a roadblock and unless you can recognise what’s going on, it can slow down whatever momentum you have (I’m going to do another post on momentum).

External motivation doesn’t last. There are days when things are going great, everything is fine and then there are other days when things become overwhelming and test your character. You have to develop inner drive. Like – a genuine sense of belief that you are good enough to do whatever you set your mind to.

I recently read a book called ‘How To Stop Doubting Yourself and Live An Awesome Life’ where Jen Sincero, breaks this down in 9 steps and shows how to keep that inner flame lit and conquer those character testing days. 

1.Appreciate your greatness – You have special gifts and talents for you to share with the world and although everyone else will share their gifts and talents no one will do it like you. You are the only you there will EVER be. 

2.Affirmations, affirmations, affirmations  -  If you really put emotion into it, it will help to ‘re-wire’ your brain 

3.Make time for the things you love – Make a conscious effort to do the things you enjoy. 

4. Switch from negative to positive – Instead of “I’m such a *&!% for doing this” change it to “What can I learn from this”.

5. Be careful what you tell yourself – What you tell yourself on a daily basis has an impact. Harmless jokes can become destructive belief (Still don’t take yourself too seriously though).

6. Remember your body – Exercise, drink water, dress it well, stretch etc. The better our bodies feel the more productive we are.

7. Don’t  compare –  All that matters is that you are enjoying yourself and you are happy with what you are creating. Comparing yourself to someone is the fastest way to take the fun out of the journey. 

8. Forgive yourself – Sometimes we let guilt build up inside of us. Learn to let it go and forgive yourself 

9. Love yourself – This is where all happiness comes from 

Honestly, the book is deep and just keeping these thoughts in mind helps you to keep up the positive vibes even when things aren’t going too good. 





You Are a Bad Ass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life.

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